Daily Calendar // Kindergarten

So I woke up on a Saturday morning at 5:55 because my thumbs and arms were so sore from pushing myself yesterday to finish my "End of the Year Kindergarten Reading Common Core Assessment" and post it to TpT.  So what did I come downstairs and do?  Work on the computer even more!  There may really be something wrong here!  Anyway, I'm excited to say that this morning I have updated my "Daily Calendar" for the SMART Board and posted it to TpT for the 2013-2014 school year!  Totally worth having my thumbs twitch all day, right?

What I love so much about the calendar I've shared is that it is so user-friendly that my Kindergartners would run it.  If you haven't seen the calendar, check it out on TpT.  Students get daily practice with calendar skills, patterns, number order, money, days of the week, months of the year, tally marks, weather, graphing, editing sentences, ABC order, letter sounds, counting, number sentences, and songs linked to YouTube videos!

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